Our SAST Solution

What is SAST?

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a security testing technique that analyzes source code without executing the application. This allows for early detection of vulnerabilities in the development lifecycle, saving time and resources compared to traditional methods.

Our SAST Solution:

  • Leverages over 4,000 industry-standard rules: Our SAST solution leverages an extensive rule set aligned with leading security standards, including OWASP Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25, PCI-DSS, and more. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough analysis of your codebase.
  • Integrates seamlessly with your development workflow: Our solution integrates effortlessly with your existing development tools, including build systems, bug tracking systems, and repositories, minimizing disruption to your established processes.
  • Facilitates efficient remediation: Action plans prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity and effort, allowing developers to focus on critical issues first. Additionally, detailed reporting highlights the location and nature of vulnerabilities, enabling efficient remediation efforts.
  • Enhances compliance adherence: Our solution assists in meeting various compliance requirements by aligning with industry-recognized security standards, promoting a secure development lifecycle.


  • Proactive security posture: Early identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities reduces the risk of security breaches and protects your applications and data.
  • Improved development efficiency: Streamlined integration and automated vulnerability detection save valuable development time and resources.
  • Enhanced code quality: By addressing security concerns throughout the development process, our SAST solution contributes to a more robust and secure codebase.
  • Demonstrable compliance: Alignment with industry standards simplifies compliance efforts and fosters trust with stakeholders.
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